Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Public Resoundingly Says NO To A Nobel Prize For Trump

I thought it was a joke when I first heard it, but some Republicans in the 115th Congress are actually trying to nominate Donald Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize. I don't know what they are thinking, but Trump hasn't done anything that would warrant giving him the Nobel Prize. And the American public agrees with me.

Only 24% of registered voters want Trump to be awarded a Nobel Prize, while 61% say that should not happen. That's a negative gap of 37 points. And that view is shared by both genders, all age groups, all race/ethnicities, all types of communities, all regions of the country, and most political groups.

Only one political group thinks he should get the Nobel Prize -- Republicans by 50% to 32%. That just exemplifies how far the Republican Party has drifted from mainstream America.

I'm sure the orange narcissist living in the White House would love to get that prize, and he's probably pinning his hopes on talking North Korea into giving up their nuclear weapons. It ain't going to happen. North Korea is not going to give up their nuclear weapons, and the Nobel committee is not going to give Trump anything.

The chart above was made using information in a new Politico / Morning Consult Poll -- done between May 10th and 14th of a national sample of 1,993 registered voters, with a 2 point margin of error.

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