Friday, June 28, 2013

Politicians Should Leave Medicine To Doctors


  1. As I am too old to be "in the vagina business" may I venture off topic and ask you a question? As you know, I am always keen - well, fairly keen - well, sort of keen - well, keen on those days when I get some global warming which I haven't felt for 15 years - to be up to date with the very latest PC-speak whose rules do seem to change almost daily.

    Yesterday, a black witness in the Zimmerman trial referred to white people as "crackers". Should I be shocked, or hurt, or faint, or insulted, or is it OK?

    Jest askin'!

  2. Do you really need to be told what to think -- like most of your fellow right-wingers?

  3. Last I checked, the best thing to do when names were called on either side of the line, was to insist on adult behavior. But sadly, what I most witness is screams of outrage all around and neither side being willing to step from inner child to inner adult level to control SELF behavior first.

  4. Well, Ted, you're always telling me and everyone else, what to think about this, that or the other, so come on, does "cracker" qualify as un-PC-speak or not?

  5. Come on David. You and I both know that you don't look to me to determine what to do. If it offends you, that's fine -- and if it doesn't, that is OK also.

  6. So on that basis is it OK for me to use the other word - you know the one I mean?!

  7. I don't know about where you live, but we have free speech in the United States, and you can use any word you want.. Just understand that when you use that word, you identify yourself as a racist.

  8. Don't be silly, Ted! If I use the general term 'Yanks' it doesn't mean I dislike Americans, it's just a nick-name. It is the defining words that proceed it, or even more important, the tone of voice in which it is used that tells you what I think about 'Yanks'.

    Similarly with the lady in the Zimmerman trial referring to 'crackers'. My guess is that she doesn't much like white people as a whole but that doesn't make her a racist. And she's entitled to dislike white people if she wants to, since when has it been an *order* that you *must* like this or that group of people? I don't much like the 'Paddies' (the southern Irish) but it doesn't mean I wouldn't sink a pint of Guinness with one of them and if I was in a fight I would be delighted to have a 'Paddy' alongside. I was an avid fan of "The Wire" (perhaps the best TV series ever!) and the black kids in that series with unintentional irony constantly referred to each other as "nigga".

    If I may suggest, Ted, life is far more complicated and nuanced than your simple slogans for simple minds would have you believe. Setting yourself up as a Commissar for Language is a dangerous path to an Orwellian hell!


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