Tuesday, May 28, 2013



  1. (Sigh!) More nonsense and this time meretricious nonsense.

    For the equivalent of a cold shower, try this:


    And indeed, the greatest mass murder of humans did not take place on Nazi soil but on Communist Chinese soil! That's socialism for you!

  2. Nonsense? Are you denying the genocidal extermination of the Native American people?

    And China is a communist dictatorship -- not a socialist democracy. The two are very different things. Trying to smear socialism by making people think it is the same as communism is equivalent to equating a traditional conservative democracy to a fascist dictatorship.

  3. Yes, I am denying it because considered opinion on a subject about which statistics are incredibly difficult to pin down (in fact no-one can prove accurately what the Indian population was prior to whites arriving)has it that the vast majority of Indian deaths were caused by imported disease not deliberate genocide.

    And fascism is very much closer to socialism than traditional Toryism. Remember, Hitler's political group was called "the National *Socialist* Party"!

  4. Are you kidding? Fascism and socialism are on opposite ends of the political scale. Fascism in on the far right of that scale, with conservatism also on the right (but closer to the center than fascism). Socialism is on the left side of the political scale (but not as far left as communism). Hitler may have used the word "socialist", but his government and policies had nothing at all to do with socialism (and I find it hard to believe you don't know that). Great Britain, Canada, and the Scandinavian countries are much closer to being socialist countries than Germany ever has been.

  5. Alas, Ted, your unsophistication is showing! Politics isn't in a line from Right to Left, it's a circle. Moderate conservatives and socialists hold hands on one side of the circumference and the fascists and communists on the other.

    Also, it's no good protesting that Hitler might have called himself a socialist but he wasn't - because **he thought he was**! And so did many of the people in his party. They can't all have been wrong. Not the least of their beliefs was that government was the cure for everything, a fallacy still enduring to this day despite the immense adverse evidence - and the piles of bodies!

    The only real difference over on that side of the circle is that one party believes in *national* socialism, the other believes in *international* socialism.

    And, not forgetting the Indians, did you read that link I provided which demonstrates the nonsense in that ghastly piece of 'agit-prop' at the top of this post?


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