Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Preview Of 2012 ?

The 26th District of New York was supposed to be a safe House district for the Republican Party. At least it always had been in the past. But that was before the Republican candidate, Jane Corwin, came out in favor of the Ryan Budget Plan -- which would abolish Medicare. Even Republicans, except for the most extreme teabaggers, can't accept that.

So last night the voters of the 26th District made their opinion very clear on the Ryan Plan. They gave this "safe" Republican seat to a Democrat. This should be a warning for Republican officeholders about their support for abolishing Medicare (and Social Security). Support it and lose -- maybe even in a safe district. But I don't expect most of them will listen (and that's a good thing for Democrats) because their egos and ideology won't let them.

Here are the results from New York's District 26 last night:

Kathy Hochul (Democrat)...............47%
Jane Corwin (Republican)...............43%
Jack Davis (Independent)...............9%

The chances are good the Republicans can retake this seat in 2012 -- but only if the candidate promises to vote against the Ryan plan to abolish Medicare.


  1. whoo-hoo!! Way to go. Now raise taxes on the top 1% pronto.

  2. What's going to abolish Medicare is doing nothing. Left to the status quo, Medicare won’t have sufficient funds to pay full benefits starting in 2024, right around the time this ol' body of mine will start seriously falling apart (I'll be 74 by then).

    The Ryan Plan will preserve current benefits for everyone who's currently 55 or older, giving everyone else a decade or more to adjust to the reality that we simply can't sustain the status quo without bankrupting this country.

    Maybe you don't like what Ryan is proposing, but at least he's addressing the 900-pound gorilla in the room. What's the Democrats' plan for saving Medicare? It's been 754 days since the (Democratic) Senate has even passed a budget!


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