Thursday, February 24, 2011

A New Pledge For Teabaggers

There seem to be a lot of selfish people in this country, and the worst of the lot are those who initially called themselves teabaggers (they have now altered that to tea party supporters after learning the street definition of the term teabaggers). These people are convinced that anything they don't like is "communist" or "socialist", and they want government programs cut to the bone -- except those that help them, of course. They are a selfish lot with no tolerance for anyone with a different political or religious view than theirs (or skin color for that matter).

The excellent blogger over at The Omnipotent Poobah Speaks has decided that our country's current pledge of allegiance is no longer appropriate for these people, so he has written a new, and much more appropriate pledge for these people. Here it is:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United State of Me, and to the republic which only I want, one person, among millions, and selfishly, with as little liberty and justice as possible for anyone who disagrees with me.

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