Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cancer Strikes Specter Again

Anyone who reads this blog even semi-regularly knows that I don't have any love for Republicans. As a party, I believe they have done serious damage to this country. But that doesn't mean I was happy to hear this news.

As far as Republicans go, Senator Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania) was a moderate, and one of the few Republicans with half a brain. At times, he was able to reach across the aisle and work with Democrats for the good of the country. That can't be said of too many Republicans.

In 1993, Senator Specter fought back from an operation for a brain tumor. Then in 2005, he was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease (cancer of the lymph system). Again he fought, and went through six months of chemotherapy. The disease went into remission and he was cancer free for three years.

On Tuesday, Specter announced that the Hodgkin's had returned. The 78 year-old senator is now facing 12 more weeks of chemotherapy. But this is no whiner. He is a brave man who will face this head-on. With some luck, maybe he can beat it again.

All politics aside, I am pulling for Senator Arlen Specter. I hope he beats the odds one more time.


  1. This illness is not to be wished on anyone.

    Nor is the treatment.

    good on ya', jobsanger for bein' decent

  2. I'm no fan of Republicans, but Arlen Specter has generally set himself apart as being a true statesman more concerned about the people than the political machine. I wish him the best.


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