Friday, March 28, 2008

Threats Keep Rev. Wright Out Of Texas

It looks like a violent brand of racism is alive and well here in Texas. Reverend Jeremiah Wright was supposed to come to Texas. He was going to speak to a church in Houston, and receive an award from Brite Divinity School on the campus of Texas Christian University in Fort Worth.

A couple of days ago, TCU wussed out and asked the Divinity School not to have the award on that campus. I have been a supporter of TCU in the past, but this is very disappointing. They have knuckled under to the racist elements. It looks like even here in the 21 century, this predominately-white church university is still not willing to stand firm against racism.

So the Brite Divinity School moved the award ceremony to Dallas at predominately-black Paul Quinn College. I commend the leaders of Paul Quinn College, but evidently the threats just became too much. The Rev. Wright has cancelled his visit to Texas. He said he cancelled out of safety concerns for the churches and schools who were hosting the visit, his family and himself.

Doesn't this make you proud of our state? It is perfectly acceptable for many white right-wing preachers to spread their message of hate here, and no one complains. But let a single black minister stand up and tell the truth, and the death threats begin to fly.

Any Texan has the right to disagree with Rev. Wright, just like I have the right to disagree with the white hate-mongers. But threatening someone's life is way over the line -- no matter who they are. You'd have to be a really sick bastard to do that.

This whole incident should be an embarrassment to all Texans.


  1. Come on we know Obama is not going to win a general election since this racist stuff came out about him. Funny watching the Obama cult followers twisting into pretzels trying to make this seem Wright.

    Latest Obama blunder is his pastor saying Italians have Garlic Noses. How about if IMUS said all blacks have BIG LIPS.

  2. I'm not aware of any racist "stuff" that has come out about Obama.
    Quite the contrary, he has talked only about racial healing. Are you opposed to that?

  3. I believe that this was just a precautionaly move as none of the police departments in either Florida or Texas were aware of any threats. Additionally, it would certainly help Obama if Wright kept a low profile.

  4. If there were no threats, why were precautions needed?

  5. "Both Hannity and Ingraham have been very vocal and very public in their support for our war efforts and in their support for our troops. Their support has not been just in word, but also in deed and they are both to be highly commended for their unwavering support. But their actions and words are so diametrically opposed to the position of the Catholic Church that I become very confused about allegiances"

    Sean Hannity AND Laura Ingraham Hypocritical on Obama's Rev


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