Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Blackwater Guards Given Immunity In Shooting

Once again the Bush administration demonstrates its incompetence. Last September 16th, Blackwater guards shot and killed 17 unarmed and innocent Iraqi civilians. Iraqi officials and others were outraged at the unjustified murders, and demanded that the Blackwater guards be prosecuted.

The U.S. State Department sent a team of investigators to find out what happened, but they instantly blew the investigation. According to the Associated Press, those investigators immediately gave all those involved immunity for anything they might say. They did this without even knowing who might be guilty of any crimes. Now, nothing they have said can be used in a criminal prosecution.

The case was then turned over to the FBI, but none of the guards will talk to the FBI. Now it looks like there may not be any criminal prosecution due to the incomprehensible actions of the State Department investigators. No one will say who's idea it was to give the immunity before any investigating was done.

I suspect we all know who is responsible. I think some fool in the Bush administration (perhaps even the head fool himself) decided they couldn't afford another scandal. This is just the kind of blunder the administration has been making since taking office.

Given a choice between being honest or hiding the truth from the American people, Bush and his cronies have always chosen to hide the truth -- even if it means lying. Now they've done it again.

I don't guess we should be surprised by now.

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