Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The winds in Amarillo are once again making me wonder why I moved up here. I'm about sick and tired of eating my hair (why does it always go straight for my mouth?). Two weeks ago, we had an evening of 90 mph winds, uprooting trees and de-roofing some homes. Last Sunday, the thunderstorms made their windy contribution to our little city. Today, they are blowing at a steady 30 mph with gusts up to 42 mph.

I went outside a few minutes ago for a smoke break. While attempting to find the perfect position to stand in without having dust and bugs fly into my eyes as well as trying to keep my cig lit and my hair out of my mouth (not an easy position to find, let me tell ya), I see a man walk around the corner toward me. He has one hand on top of his head keeping his hat in place, and in the other hand...a leaf blower.

After doing a double take, I look at jobsanger and said, "Did I just see a guy carrying a leaf blower on a day like this?"

He looks at the man and laughs, "Talk about a exercise in futility!"

"Um, yeah!"

Thinking that he couldn't possibly be using it, I quickly forgot all about it.

I'll be damned if the same man didn't come arount the other corner a couple of minutes later, aiming his now turned on leaf blower at the sidewalk, which had not one single leaf on it.



  1. hah, sounds about right. It just takes a while to get acclimated. When I lived in Portland, OR, I would see people washing their cars in the rain.

    Just kidding, I've been here most of my life and I still hate the wind.

  2. The worst thing about the wind is having to use an SOS pad to scrape off the dust embedded in your teeth. That's why you never see anyone smile in Amarillo.

    The best thing is that you can sandblast pots clean by hanging them outside like in that Star Trek episode.

    People always talk about what a great climate we have and then they mention the sunsets like that proves their point. I tell them that there are dramatic sunsets on the planet Mercury, too; that doesn't make the place habitable by human beings.

  3. A couple of my friends came up to visit me from the metroplex a couple of weeks after I moved up here. They pretty much had to duct tape themselves to the ground to avoid getting carried off to BFE Oklahoma by our crazy winds.

    I made them promise to tell our other friends that it is a bit "breezy" up here, so no one would have an excuse not to come see me. Not the whole truth, but not exactly a lie.

    Of course, the pics we took of that weekend will reveal the understatement. In every one,the wind is doing all it can to remove our clothing.

    Fun times.


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