Sunday, April 30, 2006

Anthem [ in Spanish ]

It seems that someone has made a spanish-language version of our national anthem, and this has got a bunch of people upset. Georgie even got into the argument by saying he thought the anthem should be sung only in English. Why? What the hell difference does it make? This has got to be one of the stupidest arguments in a long time. This song speaks of the greatness of this country no matter what language it is sung in. If you have to pick an argument, at least make it over something that matters. This does not.

The argument is not about translating the song to another language. After all, the song is translated into sign language all the time and no one seems to care. The argument is about translating the song into spanish. This upsets the right-wing, whose primary values are bigotry and intolerance.

As far as I'm concerned, you can sing the anthem in any language you want as long as you're doing it to show your love for this country.

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